
Business Culture


The Untouchable Hindle
After 22 years of running a successful utility battery charger business at HindlePower, CEO William Hindle began studying fine art and learned that a great company culture is much like a masterful painting.
Connecting the Dots
Steve Jobs, made a commencement speech that I liked at Stamford University. During it, he reflected on his life, including his time at University, and told the assembled graduates “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.
The Future Paradigm of Leadership is Now
I’m proud that some aspects of the leadership style and culture we developed at HindlePower appear to have been thirty years ahead of the game. Some of the elements above are just a small part of the elements necessary for creating company culture capable of creating magic.
The 8 Rules of Play- No Egos, Thank you
When you have a group of talented intelligent people vying to become alpha-dog, egos can be a problem and totally kills the creativity! This is why I developed The 8 Rules of Play.